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What is an EAN code and how to buy it?

Written by Cristina Cairone | May 10, 2017 10:00:00 PM

If you want to know what a EAN code is, maybe you are starting to sell on Amazon and eBay items that have not this code: you are in the right place. If, on the other hand, you just want to know what this code is… well, enjoy the reading! :)

The codification of an item is fundamental to organize the sales. If you have a stock, you surely know how important it is. Each possible way to codify items is related to our type of organization and to what our goals are. For this reason, each company developed a different way to codify items but it was so hard to find a way to exchange goods without misinformation.

The will of standardization started during the 70s when companies were launched with the aim of facilitating the trade: the EAN code (European Article Number) was launched.

To buy an EAN code you have to apply to the international association GS1, you have to fill in a form and pay an initial sum and then a yearly fee according to the number of items and the dimension of your company.

Once done this, you will receive a code that matches univocally to your company as the producer and to your items.

There are also companies on the internet that resell EAN codes at lower prices and which avoid you to register at GS1. These company bought a great number of “packages” of codes in order to sell them again. Even though this activity is not considered against the rules, the GS1 organization does not admit that. For those who follow this method, there is the possibility to buy a code that, for the GS1, belongs to another individual or company.

For further details, visit the website of GS1